Apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat Prima Nufarul

Apartamentul este decomandat, amplasat la parterul unui bloc cu 10 etaje si 2 lifturi noi, moderne.
Este luminos pe toata durata zilei, amenajat modern, dotat cu mobilier si electrocasnice de calitate
Masoara o suprafata utila de 45 mp si se compune din living cu bucatarie si loc de luat masa open-space, 1 dormitor, baie cu cabina de dus si un balcon deschis.
Locuinta este dotata cu gresie si faianta, parchet laminat, geamuri termopan cu tamplarie PVC , usi de interior din termopan si usa metalica de siguranta, la intrare.
Incalzirea in pardoseala se realizeaza prin reteaua de termoficare a orasului, cu punct termic propriu al blocului si cu reglarea prin termostat a temperaturii.
De asemenea apartamentul dispune de aer conditionat pentru confortul termic optim.
Ca si utilitati, noii chiriasi vor beneficia de masina de spalat haine, frigider , plita electrica, hota, cuptor electric, TV, cuptor cu microunde, aparat de cafea,
In imediata apropiere se afla, scoli, gradinite, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, magazine, Lotus Mall. Totodata, la o distanta de 5 minute de mers cu masina, se afla statiunile termale Baile Felix si 1 Mai.
Apartamentul dispune de loc de parcare exterior, inclus in pret.
Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat in Prima Green Nufarul este de 420 euro/luna.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman.
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art Imob offers you a modern apartment with 2 rooms for rent in Prima Green Nufarul.
The apartment is detached, located on the ground floor of a building with 10 floors and 2 new, modern elevators.
It is bright throughout the day, modernly furnished, equipped with quality furniture and appliances
It measures a usable area of 45 square meters and consists of a living room with an open-space kitchen and dining area, 1 bedroom, a bathroom with a shower cabin and an open balcony.
The house is equipped with tiles and floor tiles, laminated parquet, double-glazed windows with PVC joinery, interior double-glazed doors and a safety metal door at the entrance.
The underfloor heating is done through the city’s heating network, with the block’s own thermal point and with temperature regulation through a thermostat.
The apartment also has air conditioning for optimal thermal comfort.
As utilities, the new tenants will benefit from a washing machine, refrigerator, electric stove, hood, electric oven, TV, microwave oven, coffee machine,
In the immediate vicinity are schools, kindergartens, public transport stations, shops, Lotus Mall. At the same time, at a distance of 5 minutes by car, there are the Baile Felix and 1 Mai thermal resorts.
The apartment has an outdoor parking space, included in the price.
The price for this 2-room apartment for rent in Prima Green Nufarul is 420 euros/month.
For additional information on this property, you can contact us at:
Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman.
e-mail: [email protected]
Or the contact section of our website: www.dartimob.ro
Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob Romimo_1707386645
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