Apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat zona Cantemir

Apartamentul se afla la etajul 1/3 al unui bloc construit in 2009, izolat termic la exterior.
Masoara o suprafata utila de 47 mp, compus din hol de acces, dormitor cu dressing si birou, baie cu dus, living cu bucatarie open space, balcon deschis, orientat spre curtea interioara.
Apartamentul a fost renovat complet in 2024 si este dotat cu ferestre PVC cu geam termopan, rolete exterioare, parchet laminat in camere si pe hol, baie moderna dotata cu dus walk-in. Mobilierul este facut la comanda, gandit sa ofere confort in toate incaperile, dar si suficient spatiu de depozitare pentru o familie.
Dispune de electrocasnice precum: plita cu gaz, cuptor electric, hota, cuptor cu microunde, combina frigorifica incorporata, TV in ambele camere, aer conditionat, masina de spalat rufe.
Confortul termic este asigurat de centrala proprie pe gaz, cu termostat ambiental, care poate fi actionat si de la distanta.
De asemenea, accesul in apartament si pe scara blocului este conectat la un sistem smart, ce ofera un plus de siguranta si confort viitorilor chiriasi.
Curtea blocului este zona de relaxare pentru toti locatarii in sezonul de primavara-vara.
In fata blocului sunt disponibile locuri de parcare fara plata.
Locuinta are in apropiere statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, scoli, parcuri, zona centrala, dar si Lotus Center, toate accesibile si la o plimbare distanta.
Pretul pentru acest apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat este de 450 euro/luna.
Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: raluca.legman@dartimob.ro
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art imob offers you a modern 2-room apartment for rent, located in the Cantemir area, Oradea.
The apartment is located on the 1/3rd floor of a block built in 2009, thermally insulated on the outside.
It measures a usable area of 47 sq m, consisting of an entrance hall, bedroom with dressing room and office, bathroom with shower, living room with open space kitchen, open balcony, facing the inner courtyard.
The apartment was completely renovated in 2024 and is equipped with PVC windows with double glazing, exterior roller shutters, laminate flooring in the rooms and hallway, modern bathroom equipped with a walk-in shower. The furniture is custom-made, designed to provide comfort in all rooms, but also enough storage space for a family.
It has appliances such as: gas hob, electric oven, hood, microwave oven, built-in refrigerator, TV in both rooms, air conditioning, washing machine.
Thermal comfort is ensured by the gas central heating system, with an ambient thermostat, which can also be operated remotely.
Also, access to the apartment and the staircase of the building is connected to a smart system, which offers added safety and comfort to future tenants.
The courtyard of the building is the relaxation area for all residents in the spring-summer season.
Free parking spaces are available in front of the building. This home is close to public transportation stations, schools, parks, the central area, and Lotus Center, all accessible and within walking distance.
The price for this modern 2-room apartment for rent is 450 euros/month.
For additional details, informations and visits, you can contact us at:
No. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: raluca.legman@dartimob.ro
Or at the contact section of our site: www.dartimob.ro
You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page. Romimo_1736783235
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