Apartament luxos cu 3 camere si parcare in Prima Arena

Apartamentul se afla la etajul 7/8, de unde viitorii chiriasi vor avea parte de o priveliste superba asupra orasului. Masoara o suprafata utila de 65 mp si se compune din hol de acces, living generos si luminos cu bucatarie moderna, balcon deschis, 2 dormitoare, baie cu cada. Mai dispune de o baie de serviciu, insa aceasta are in prezent destinatia de spatiu pentru depozitare.
Locuinta este noua, la prima inchiriere, dotata cu mobilier elegant facut la comanda. Sunt puse la dispozitie electrocasnice precum aer conditionat, combina frigorifica, plita, cuptor electric si cu microunde, masina de spalat vase, masina de spalat rufe, TV.
Incalzirea este de la reteaua de termoficare a orasului cu agent primar, instalata in pardosea.
Blocul din care face parte este dotat cu video interfon, sistem de supraveghere, sistem anti incendiu.
In fata blocului apartamentul detine un loc de parcare privat, inclus in pretul de inchiriere.
In apropiere se afla diverse centre comerciale, Universitatea din Oradea, scoli, gradinite, parcuri.
Pretul pentru acest apartament luxos cu 3 camere in Prima Arena este de 750 euro/luna.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman.
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art imob offers you a luxurious apartment with 3 rooms for rent, located in the new residential complex Prima Arena in Oradea.
The apartment is on the 7th/8th floor, from where the future tenants will have a wonderful view of the city. It measures a usable area of 65 square meters and consists of an entrance hall, a generous and bright living room with a modern kitchen, an open balcony, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom with a bathtub. It also has a service bathroom, but it is currently used as a storage space.
The house is new, for the first rental, equipped with elegant furniture made to order. Appliances such as air conditioning, refrigerator, stove, electric and microwave oven, dishwasher, washing machine, TV are provided.
The heating is from the city heating network with primary agent, installed in the floor.
The block of which it is a part is equipped with video intercom, surveillance system, fire protection system.
In front of the building, the apartment has a private parking space, included in the rental price.
Nearby there are various shopping centers, the University of Oradea, schools, kindergartens, parks.
The price for this luxurious 3-room apartment in Prima Arena is 750 euros/month.
For additional information on this property, you can contact us at:
Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman.
e-mail: [email protected]
Or the contact section of our website: www.dartimob.ro
Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob Romimo_1708346925
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