Spatiu comercial de inchiriat pe bulevardul Decebal

Spatiul se afla la parter, in apropiere de centrul comercial Lotus Retail Park si la 5 minute de mers pe jos de centrul orasului. Masoara o suprafata utila de 275 mp, are vitrina stradala de 9 metri liniari, destinatia de spatiu comercial si front si acces dublu, din 2 strazi. Structura cladirii este pe stalpi de sustinere de beton, prin urmare tot spatiul poate fi usor recompartimentat in functie de nevoi si preferinte.
In acest moment este impartit in 2 incaperi mari open-space, birou cu grup sanitar propriu, vestiar pentru personal, baie cu dus pentru personal, camera tehnica si casa scarii. De asemenea, dispune de un loc propriu de parcare in curtea cladirii si exista posibilitatea de parcare cu si fara plata in apropierea locatiei.
Incalzirea este pe gaz, imobilul este racordat la retelele de apa si canalizare ale orasului si dispune de curent trifazic si monofazic. Geamurile sunt termopan cu tamplarie PVC, iar acoperisul cladirii este de tigla.
Pretul pentru acest spatiu comercial de inchiriat pe bulevardul Decebal este de 2.590 euro / luna
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob
The real estate agency D’Art Imob offers you a commercial space for rent on Decebal Boulevard in Oradea
The space is located on the ground floor near the Lotus Retail Park shopping center and a 5-minute walk from the city center. It measures a usable area of 275 square meters, has a street window of 9 linear meters, intended for commercial space and front and double access, from 2 streets. The structure of the building is on concrete support pillars, therefore all the space can be easily re-compartmentalized according to needs and preferences.
At the moment it is divided into 2 large open-space rooms, an office with its own bathroom, a cloakroom for staff, a bathroom with shower for staff, a technical room and a stairwell. It also has its own parking space in the courtyard of the building and there is the possibility of paid and unpaid parking near the location.
The heating is on gas, the building is connected to the water and sewage networks of the city and has three-phase and single-phase electricity. The windows are insulated with PVC joinery, and the roof of the building is made of tiles.
The price for this commercial space for rent on Decebal boulevard is 2,590 euros / month
For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: [email protected]
Or the contact section of our website:
Also, our offers can be viewed on facebook by visiting D’Art Imob
Detalii etaj: Se inchiriaza Parter Romimo_1676822651
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