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Warehouse for rent or sale Constanta, Mangalia

1 550 EUR negociabil
Valabil din 2/21/2025 1:23:55 PM
Suprafata utila
1200 m2
Suprafata terenului
15500 m2
Numar camere
Suprafata construita
2200 m2
Anul constructiei
Stadiul constructiei
Warehouse for rent or sale Constanta, Mangalia

For rent or sale yard with 3 halls and direct entrance from DJ391.

The whole yard 1500 Euro + 16%, long term!!

As you can see in the picture, the yard has 15,500 square meters of land, including the 3 halls with a total area of 1,500 square meters, as well as concrete platforms for storage parking. The yard also contains an external car repair ramp and an internal one and sanitary group, respectively the entrance cabin. Utilities 380V and water septic tank.
Price for sale 435,000 Euro or for long-term rental of the whole yard 1850 Euros, respectively 1.8 Euros m2 for renting individual halls. When renting, recycling activity is excluded.

The 665 m2 hall has a 300 m2 concrete platform behind it. The hall is newly renovated, 5-6m high and 650m2 open space (without pillars) which can be entered directly by TIR
It has 1 bathroom, storage room and 3 offices.
The hall has a wood-fired central heating system, sandwich roof, related to this hall are 5800 m2 of BUILDABLE land.
The hall is thermally insulated, double-glazed windows and has its own kitchen and bathroom.
As you can see from the photo, the hall has a helicopter floor!
It lends itself to production activities, storage, gymnasium, karate, logistics center
Separate sale price of the hall plus related land of 5500m2 is 165,000 Euros.

There are 2 more halls of 450 and 500 square meters respectively, the concrete platform approves 3000m2 in the yard that can be rented together.


Mangalia, Constanta Romimo_19065959
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