Apartament cu 2 camere de vanzare la parter in Rogerius

Apartamentul este amplasat la parterul unui bloc cu 4 etaje si masoara o suprafata utila de 49 mp. Este semidecomandat si se compune din hol de acces, bucatarie cu loc de luat masa, camera de zi, dormitor si baie cu cada.
Locuinta este renovata, ingrijita si luminoasa, dotata cu aer conditionat, ferestre cu geam termopan, usi de interior din MDF, parchet laminat, gresie si faianta.
Se vinde complet mobilata, utilata.
In fata blocului proprietarii detin un loc de parcare rezervat.
In apropiere se gasesc scoli, magazine, spatii verzi, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun.
Pretul de vanzare pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere este de 86500 euro.
D`Art Imob offers you a 2-room apartment type Q for sale, located in Rogerius neighborhood of Oradea.
The apartment is located on the ground floor of a 4-story building and measures a usable area of 49 sqm. It is semi-detached and consists of an entrance hall, kitchen with dining area, living room, bedroom and bathroom with bathtub.
The home is clean, neat and bright, equipped with air conditioning, double-glazed windows, MDF interior doors, laminate flooring, ceramic and tile floors.
It is sold fully furnished and equipped.
In front of the building, the owners have a reserved parking space.
Nearby there are schools, shops, green spaces, public transport stations.
The sale price for this 2-room apartment is 86,500 euros. Romimo_1742479449
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