Apartament cu 3 camere de vanzare in Iosia, Oradea
Apartamentul este tip X, amplasat la etajul 4/4 cu acoperis, este semi-decomandat si masoara o suprafata utila de 45 mp. Se compune din hol de intrare, bucatarie, camera de zi, 2 dormitoare decomandate, baie cu geam de aerisire si un balcon închis. Suprafata balconului nu este inclusa in suprafata utila a apartamentului.
Locuinta este dotat cu ferestre geam termopan, rolete exterioare in fiecare incapere, parchet laminat in camere, gresie si faianta in buctarie, baie si hol, usi de interior din mdf, aer conditionat.
Imobilul se vinde complet mobilat si utilat.
Proprietatea este situata in apropiere de statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, scoli, gradinite, parcuri, complexe comerciale, Auchan, Jumbo, Calea Aradului.
Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 3 camere de vanzare in cartierul Iosia din Oradea este de 74.000 euro.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0725095233 – Manci Nicolae
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art Imob offers you a 3-room apartment for sale in the Iosia neighborhood of Oradea.
The apartment is type X, located on the 4/4 floor with a roof, is semi-detached and measures a usable area of 45 sq m. It consists of an entrance hall, kitchen, living room, 2 detached bedrooms, bathroom with ventilation window and a closed balcony. The balcony area is not included in the usable area of the apartment.
The home is equipped with double-glazed windows, exterior roller shutters in each room, laminate flooring in the rooms, ceramic tiles and tiles in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway, MDF interior doors, air conditioning.
The property is sold fully furnished and equipped.
The property is located near public transport stations, schools, kindergartens, parks, shopping complexes, Auchan, Jumbo, Calea Aradului.
The price for this 3-room apartment for sale in the Iosia neighborhood of Oradea is 74,000 euros.
For further details, information and visits, you can contact us at:
Tel. No.: 0725095233 – Manci Nicolae
e-mail: [email protected]
Or the contact section of our website: www.dartimob.ro
Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob. Romimo_1732641801
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