Apartament modern 3 camere de vanzare cartierul Luceafarul

Apartamentul masoara o suprafata utila de 100mp si este decomandat, amplasat la etajul 1/10
intr-un bloc nou cu lifturi moderne, supraveghere video si video interfon.
Se compune din hol de acces, living cu iesire pe terasa, bucatarie open-space, 2 dormitoare si 2 bai, una cu vana si una cu dus panou de sticla. Dormitorul matrimonial are baia proprie si dispune de iesire pe o terasa generoasa.
Ferestrele sunt cu geam termopan, au spatii vitrate mari.
Apartamentul este luminos pe toata durata zilei, amenajat modern, dotat cu mobilier si electrocasnice de calitate .
Apartamentul se vinde mobilat si utilat cu frigider, hota, cuptor si plita electrica, cuptor cu microunde, masina de spalat rufe, 2 televizoare, aer conditionat.
Incalzirea este asigurata de centrala proprie a blocului, cu contorizare individuala.
Pentru amenajarea acestei proprietati s-au folosit materiale de caliatate, acestea reflectandu-se cel mai bine in estetica placuta, maximizarea spatiului util oferit. Sunt puse in evidenta elemente specifice cum ar fi parchetul laminat, gresia, faianta.
Texturile si accentele metalice fac ca acest apartament să fie unul cu adevărat rafinat, impecabil si foarte confortabil.
Apartamentul este situat intr-o zona centrala a municipiului Oradea, intr-un bloc nou.
Ofera avantajul de a ajunge in timp relativ scurt in zonele principale de interes ale orasului si va ofera un spatiu calduros unde va veti simti ca acasa.
Este situat in apropiere de scoli, gradinite, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, Lotus Retail Park.
Pretul pentru acest apartament modern 3 camere de vanzare cartierul Luceafarul este de 249.000 euro/luna
Apartamentul dispune si de o parcare subterana este inclusa in pretul de vanzare.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0722.701.434– Cristina Vatca
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D'Art Imob offers you a modern 3-room apartment for sale in the Luceafarul neighborhood.
The apartment has a usable area of 100 sqm and is detached, located on the 1st floor of a 10-story new building with modern elevators, video surveillance, and a video intercom.
It consists of an entrance hall, a living room with access to a terrace, an open-space kitchen, 2 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms—one with a bathtub and one with a glass-panel shower. The master bedroom has an en-suite bathroom and access to a spacious terrace.
The windows are thermopane with large glazed areas.
The apartment is bright throughout the day, modernly decorated, and equipped with high-quality furniture and appliances.
The apartment is sold fully furnished and equipped with a refrigerator, hood, electric oven and stove, microwave, washing machine, 2 televisions, and air conditioning.
The heating is provided by the building's own central heating system, with individual metering.
High-quality materials were used in the design of this property, best reflected in the pleasant aesthetics and the maximization of the usable space. Notable features include laminated flooring, tiles, and ceramic tiles.
The textures and metallic accents make this apartment truly refined, impeccable, and very comfortable.
The apartment is located in a central area of Oradea, in a new building. It offers the advantage of quickly reaching the city's main points of interest and provides a warm, welcoming space where you will feel at home.
It is located near schools, kindergartens, public transport stations, and Lotus Retail Park.
The price for this modern 3-room apartment for sale in the Luceafarul neighborhood is 249,000 euros.
The apartment also includes an underground parking space, which is included in the sale price.
For additional details, information, and viewings, you can contact us at:
Phone number: 0722.701.434 – Cristina Vatca
Email: [email protected]
Or via the contact section on our website: www.dartimob.ro
You can also view our offers on Facebook by visiting the D'Art Imob page. Romimo_1727013216
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