Casa P+M de vanzare in Santandrei, Bihor

Casa este de tip P+M, tip duplex si este amplasata pe un teren in suprafata de 308 mp. Constructia este finalizata in anul 2010, din caramida, cu acoperis de tigla si are o suprafata utila totala de 117 mp.
Parterul se compune din: hol de acces, sufragerie primitoare, bucatarie, baie cu dus, camera tehnica si camara. Mansarda este compartimentata astfel: 3 dormitoare fiecare cu acces pe balcon, baie cu cada si 2 balcoane.
Locuinta este primitoare si luminoasa. Este dotata cu ferestre cu geam termopan, jaluzele exterioare, usi de interior din lemn, parchet laminat in camere, gresie si faianta in bucatarie si bai.
Casa este izolata la exterior cu polistiren si are aplicata tencuiala nobila. Aceasta dispune de acces auto. Curtea este amenajata cu pavaj. De asemenea, in curte regasim si o filigorie amenajata cu barbeque iar in spatele casei se gaseste o mica gradina, unde sunt plantati diversi pomi fructiferi.
Incalzirea este pe gaz cu centrala proprie. Casa este racordata la retelele de apa, canalizare, electricitate si gaz. Casa se vinde partial mobilata si utilata.
Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta casa tip P+M este de 159500 euro.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica
e-mail: [email protected]
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De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art Imob offers you a GF+M house for sale, located in Santandrei, Bihor.
The house is of GF+M type, duplex type and is located on a plot of land with an area of 308 sq m. The construction was completed in 2010, made of brick, with a tiled roof and has a total usable area of 117 sq m.
The ground floor consists of: entrance hall, welcoming living room, kitchen, bathroom with shower, technical room and pantry. The attic is divided as follows: 3 bedrooms each with access to the balcony, bathroom with bathtub and 2 balconies.
The home is welcoming and bright. It is equipped with double-glazed windows, exterior blinds, wooden interior doors, laminate flooring in the rooms, ceramic and porcelain tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms.
The house is insulated on the outside with polystyrene and has noble plaster applied. It has car access. The yard is paved. Also, in the yard we find a filigree arranged with a barbecue and behind the house there is a small garden, where various fruit trees are planted.
The heating is on gas with its own central heating. The house is connected to the water, sewage, electricity and gas networks. The house is sold partially furnished and equipped.
The selling price for this P+M type house is 159500 euros.
For additional details, informations and visits, you can contact us at:
Tel No.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica
e-mail: [email protected]
Or at the contact section of our site:
You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page. Romimo_1741009140
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