Spatiu comercial 142 mp de vanzare in bloc nou Iosia
Acesta este amplasat la parterul unui bloc nou din cartier, cu suprafata vitrata generoasa si multiple locuri de parcare in fata.
Se compune din o incapere open space de 90 mp, hol, baie, spatiu de depozitare, birou si buctarie.
Este dotat cu ferestre mari cu geam termopan, gresie, usa de acces termopan, mobilier de bucatarie, sistem de iluminat LED, aer conditionat, alarma. Este recent zugravit, pregatit pentru diverse activitati comerciale.
Spatiul comercial are trei cai de acces, din care 2 principale, iar 1 prin spate cu rampa. Asadar poate fi compartimentat la nevoie.
Blocul din care face parte este izolat termic, iar incalzirea este de la agentul termic primar, cu apa geotermala. Acest aspect este foarte important, datorita costurilor reduse pe durata sezonului rece.
Este amplasat intr-o zona rezidentiala, cu acces facil la statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun.
Pretul pentru acest spatiu comercial de vanzare intr-un bloc nou din Iosia este de 230000 euro + TVA.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0725 095 233 – Manci Nicolae
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D’Art Imob offers you a 142 sqm commercial space for sell, located in the Iosia district of Oradea.
It is located on the ground floor of a new block in the neighborhood, with a generous glazed area and multiple parking spaces in front.
It consists of an open space room of 90 sqm, hall, bathroom, storage space, office and kitchenette.
It is equipped with large windows with double glazed windows, tiles, double glazed access door, kitchen furniture, LED lighting system, air conditioning, alarm. It is recently painted, ready for various commercial activities.
The commercial space has three access ways, of which 2 are main, so it can be compartmentalized as needed.
The block of which it is a part is thermally insulated, and the heating is from the primary heating agent, with geothermal water.
It is located in a residential area, with easy access to public transport stations.
The price for this commercial space for sell in Iosia is 230000 euros + TVA.
For further details, information and visits, you can contact us at:
Nr. Tel .: 0725 095 233 – Manci Nicolae
e-mail: [email protected]
Or at the contact section of our site:
You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page. Romimo_1722543448
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