5100 mp,10000 mp, 20000 mp sau 54000 mp teren Intravilan Industrial, cu desch. la DN1 Sibiu-Cristian

Deschidere 270 ml la DN1 Sibiu - Cristian cu destinatia: Logistic Park, Retail Park sau alte activitati industriale comerciale.
Parcele disponibile la vanzare cu suprafete de 20.000 mp+23.300 mp+10000 mp ( total 5,33 ha sau la cerere suprafețe mai mici) pentru "Industrie birouri si prestari servicii".
Situate la iesirea din Sibiu catre Cristian pe parte stanga dupa Aeroportul International Sibiu (aprox. 1 km), langa fabrica Bauelemente (fosta LUPP), viz a vis de cartierul DaVinci Homes
Terenurile sunt intravilane Industriale si intabulate in CF., cu geometrie P.O.T. de 80%, regim de inaltime 8- 12 ml sau S+P+2E . Front stradal: 270
For sale land for industrial buildings ( Logistic Park, Retrail Park or other industrial or commercial activities)
- Opening of 470 lm or 270 lm at the National Road Sibiu - Cristian, different surfaces: 12000 sqm, 20000 sqm, 32000 sqm and 55350 sqm.
- PUG and PUZ approved for ,,offices and Services Industry
- it is situated at the exit of sibiu to Christian,near Sibiu International Airport (at a distance of 1.5 km) and the factory MgbH Lupp,opposite the Dafora residential.
-certificate of urbanism, tabulated in C.F.,occupancy percentage of 80% ,height of 8-12 lm.
For further information please call
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