Teren industrial de vanzare 66853 mp, Parc Industrial I Oradea

terenul este format din 2 parcele alaturate care se vand in integralitate, cu acces amenajat din drumul expres si front stradal secundar de 466 ml la un drum ce urmeaza sa fie asfaltat in cursul anului 2025.
pe toata lungimea frontului secundar sunt prevazute in documentatie 4 cai de acces, permitand astfel parcelarea terenului daca se doreste.
dispune de utilitati la parcela precum : apa de la retea, canalizare, electricitate, gaz.
PUZ aprobat
Conform certificatului de urbanism, acest teren industrial este potrivit pentru contruirea unor hale de productie si depozitare, cladiri de birouri, hotel/spatii de cazare, statii carburanti, institutii de cercetare, activitati complementare profilului functional al zonei.
POT 60%
CUT 1.2
H max: 28 m la coama si 21 m la streasina
Regim inaltime (1-3S)+P+4E
Datorita amplasarii si accesului atat din Parcul Industrial Bors cat si din drumul expres Oradea – A3 – Bors II, acest teren imediat construibil sau parcelabil reprezinta o excelenta oportunitate de investitie.
Pretul de vanzare pentru acest teren industrial este de 4.679.710 euro. (70€/mp)
Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman.
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art imob offers for sale 66853 sqm of industrial land located in a key area of the Bors Industrial Park, with direct access from the Oradea – A3 – Bors II expressway.
the land consists of 2 adjoining plots that are sold in their entirety, with arranged access from the expressway and a 466 ml secondary street frontage to a road that is to be paved in 2025.
along the entire length of the secondary frontage, 4 access roads are provided in the documentation, thus allowing the parceling of the land if desired.
it has utilities on the plot such as: mains water, sewage, electricity, gas.
urban area plan approved
According to the urban planning certificate, this industrial land is suitable for the construction of production and storage halls, office buildings, hotel/accommodation spaces, fuel stations, research institutions, activities complementary to the functional profile of the area.
land occupation percentage 60%
land use coefficient 1.2
Height max: 28 m at the ridge and 21 m at the eaves
Due to the location and access from both the Bors Industrial Park and the Oradea – A3 – Bors II expressway, this immediately buildable or parcelable land represents an excellent investment opportunity.
The sale price for this industrial land is 4,679,710 euros. (70€/sqm)
For additional information on this property, you can contact us at:
Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman.
e-mail: [email protected]
Or the contact section of our website: www.dartimob.ro
Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob. Romimo_1741694529
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