Teren intravilan 2063 mp de vanzare in zona Dealuri Oradea

Terenul este imprejmuit, fara inclinatie, cu un front stradal de 25 ml. Este dezmembrat in 2 parcele alaturate, cu suprafete de 1082 mp Lot 1 si 981 mp Lot 2, ambele avand front stradal de cate 12.5 ml.
Pe teren sunt plantati diversi pomi fructiferi pe rod, ingrijiti atent de actualii proprietari.
Utilitati: apa, canalizare, electricitate, gaz. Toate sunt la limita proprietatii.
Accesul se face pe drum pietruit, drumul asfaltat fiind la o distanta de maxim 200 m.
Zona in care se afla terenul este exclusiv de case, linistita, cu acces facil la mijloace de transport in comun, scoli, gradinite, zone comerciale.
Un mare avantaj pentru cei care sunt in cautarea unor astfel de terenuri este ca de aici se poate admira o priveliste superba spre oras.
Pretul de vanzare pentru acest teren intravilan in zona Dealuri este de 175300 euro. (85€/mp)
Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D’Art imob offers for sale an inner-city land with an area of 2063 sqm, located in the Oradea Hills area.
The land is fenced, without inclination, with a street frontage of 25 ml. It is divided into 2 adjacent parcels, with surfaces of 1082 sqm Lot 1 and 981 sqm Lot 2, both with street frontage of 12.5 ml each.
Various fruit trees are planted on the land, carefully cared for by the current owners.
Utilities: water, sewage, electricity, gas. All are on the property line.
Access is via a paved road, the asphalted road being at a maximum distance of 200 m.
The area where the land is located is exclusively houses, quiet, with easy access to public transport, schools, kindergartens, commercial areas.
A great advantage for those who are looking for such land is that from here you can admire a superb view of the city.
The sale price for this urban plot in the Hills area is 175,300 euros. (€85/sqm)
For additional information on this property, you can contact us at:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: [email protected]
Or the contact section of our website: www.dartimob.ro
Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob. Romimo_1727349892
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