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Spatiu comercial de vanzare ultracentral in zona Primariei Oradea

Spatiu comercial de vanzare ultracentral in zona Primariei Oradea

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare un spatiu comercial, situat ultracentral pe strada Primariei din Oradea. Acesta se afla la demisolul inalt al unei cladiri istorice, masoara o suprafata utila de 50 mp si in prezent este amenajat ca si cabinet medical. De asemenea, in acte figureaza ca si spatiu comercial. Curtea comuna din care face parte este curata si ingrijita de toti vecinii. Este compartimentat circular, compus din hol de acces, 2 camere, 2 bai si vestiar. Toate incaperile inafara de baia de servici si debara dispun de lumina naturala. Spatiul este renovat complet, izolat exterior, dotat cu ferestre si usa de acces PVC cu geam termopan, usi de interior din lemn, gresie/faianta, instalatii electrice si sanitare schimbate. Incalzirea este de la reteaua de termoficare a orasului, contorizata individual. Este situat la 1 minut de Piata Unirii, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, scoli, gradinite, Facultatea de Medicina, diverse institutii publice. In fata cladirii se gasesc locuri de parcare publice. Pretul de vanzare pentru acest spatiu comercial situat ultracentral este de 79900 euro. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D’Art imob offers for sale a commercial space, ultra-centrally located on Primariei Street in Oradea. It is located on the top floor of a historic building, measures a usable area of ​​50 square meters and is currently set up as a medical office. It also appears in the documents as a commercial space. The common yard of which it is a part is clean and cared for by all the neighbors. It is circularly compartmentalized, composed of an entrance hall, 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms and a cloakroom. All rooms except one of the bathrooms and cloakroom have natural light. The commercial space is completely renovated, insulated from the outside, equipped with PVC windows and access door with double glazing, wooden interior doors, tiles, electrical and sanitary installations changed. The heating is from the city heating network, individually metered. It is located 1 minute from Unirii Square, public transport stations, schools, kindergartens, the Faculty of Medicine, various public institutions. There are public parking spaces in front of the building. The sale price for this ultra-centrally located commercial space is 79900 euros. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

50,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Cladire de birouri in Oradea

Cladire de birouri in Oradea

D’Art Imob va propune spre inchiriere o cladire de birouri in Oradea, situata in zona semi-centrala. Imobilul este situat pe o suprafata de teren de 1.893 mp si are o suprafata utila de 318 mp. Amprenta la sol este de 172 mp, astfel ca toata curtea este o superba zona verde de relaxare. In curte regasim si un foisor frumos din lemn, dar si o anexa de 30 mp. De asemenea, la intrare exista amenajate si cateva locuri de parcare. Constructia este renovata si restaurata complet, dispusa pe 3 nivele: S+P+M si are in total nu mai putin de 11 incaperi la parter si mansarda, din care 9 birouri, 1 bucatarie si 1 incapere de arhiva. La acestea se adauga 2 bai la parter, iar la subsol, o incapere open-space, dar si o camera tehnica. Proprietatea se preteaza in mod special pentru cladire de birouri, clinica medicala, laborator de analize, gradinita, insa posibilitatile sunt nelimitate. Toate instalatiile electrice, sanitare si de incalzire sunt noi si eficiente, prin urmare costurile de intretinere sunt scazute. Incalzirea este centralizata si se realizeaza prin centrala proprie pe gaz. Pretul de inchiriere pentru aceasta cladire de birouri in Oradea este de 3.400 euro. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D’Art Imob real estate agency proposes for rent an office building in Oradea, located in the semi-central area. The building is located on a land area of ​​1,893 sqm and has a usable area of ​​318 sqm. The footprint is 172 square meters, so the whole yard is a beautiful green relaxation area. In the yard we find a beautiful wooden pavilion, but also an annex of 30 sqm. Also, at the entrance there are a few parking spaces. The construction is on 3 levels: Ug + Gf + Attic and has a total of no less than 11 rooms on the ground floor and attic, of which 9 offices, 1 kitchen and 1 archive room. To these are added 2 bathrooms on the ground floor, and in the basement, an open-space room, but also a technical room. The property is especially suitable for office building, medical clinic, analysis laboratory, kindergarten, but the possibilities are endless. All electrical, plumbing and heating installations are new and efficient, therefore maintenance costs are low. The heating is centralized and is done through its own gas boiler. The rental price for this office building in Oradea is 3,400 euro. For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

318,0 m2 | 11 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Spatiu comercial de inchiriat pe bulevardul Decebal

Spatiu comercial de inchiriat pe bulevardul Decebal

Agentia imobiliara D’Art Imob va propune un spatiu comercial de inchiriat pe bulevardul Decebal din Oradea Spatiul se afla la parter, in apropiere de centrul comercial Lotus Retail Park si la 5 minute de mers pe jos de centrul orasului. Masoara o suprafata utila de 275 mp, are vitrina stradala de 9 metri liniari, destinatia de spatiu comercial si front si acces dublu, din 2 strazi. Structura cladirii este pe stalpi de sustinere de beton, prin urmare tot spatiul poate fi usor recompartimentat in functie de nevoi si preferinte. In acest moment este impartit in 2 incaperi mari open-space, birou cu grup sanitar propriu, vestiar pentru personal, baie cu dus pentru personal, camera tehnica si casa scarii. De asemenea, dispune de un loc propriu de parcare in curtea cladirii si exista posibilitatea de parcare cu si fara plata in apropierea locatiei. Incalzirea este pe gaz, imobilul este racordat la retelele de apa si canalizare ale orasului si dispune de curent trifazic si monofazic. Geamurile sunt termopan cu tamplarie PVC, iar acoperisul cladirii este de tigla. Pretul pentru acest spatiu comercial de inchiriat pe bulevardul Decebal este de 2.590 euro / luna Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The real estate agency D’Art Imob offers you a commercial space for rent on Decebal Boulevard in Oradea The space is located on the ground floor near the Lotus Retail Park shopping center and a 5-minute walk from the city center. It measures a usable area of ​​275 square meters, has a street window of 9 linear meters, intended for commercial space and front and double access, from 2 streets. The structure of the building is on concrete support pillars, therefore all the space can be easily re-compartmentalized according to needs and preferences. At the moment it is divided into 2 large open-space rooms, an office with its own bathroom, a cloakroom for staff, a bathroom with shower for staff, a technical room and a stairwell. It also has its own parking space in the courtyard of the building and there is the possibility of paid and unpaid parking near the location. The heating is on gas, the building is connected to the water and sewage networks of the city and has three-phase and single-phase electricity. The windows are insulated with PVC joinery, and the roof of the building is made of tiles. The price for this commercial space for rent on Decebal boulevard is 2,590 euros / month For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on facebook by visiting D’Art Imob Detalii etaj: Se inchiriaza Parter

275,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Teren intravilan 2063 mp de vanzare in zona Dealuri Oradea

Teren intravilan 2063 mp de vanzare in zona Dealuri Oradea

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare un teren intravilan cu suprafata de 2063 mp, situat in zona Dealuri Oradea. Terenul este imprejmuit, fara inclinatie, cu un front stradal de 25 ml. Este dezmembrat in 2 parcele alaturate, cu suprafete de 1082 mp Lot 1 si 981 mp Lot 2, ambele avand front stradal de cate 12.5 ml. Pe teren sunt plantati diversi pomi fructiferi pe rod, ingrijiti atent de actualii proprietari. Utilitati: apa, canalizare, electricitate, gaz. Toate sunt la limita proprietatii. Accesul se face pe drum pietruit, drumul asfaltat fiind la o distanta de maxim 200 m. Zona in care se afla terenul este exclusiv de case, linistita, cu acces facil la mijloace de transport in comun, scoli, gradinite, zone comerciale. Un mare avantaj pentru cei care sunt in cautarea unor astfel de terenuri este ca de aici se poate admira o priveliste superba spre oras. Pretul de vanzare pentru acest teren intravilan in zona Dealuri este de 175300 euro. (85€/mp) Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D’Art imob offers for sale an inner-city land with an area of ​​2063 sqm, located in the Oradea Hills area. The land is fenced, without inclination, with a street frontage of 25 ml. It is divided into 2 adjacent parcels, with surfaces of 1082 sqm Lot 1 and 981 sqm Lot 2, both with street frontage of 12.5 ml each. Various fruit trees are planted on the land, carefully cared for by the current owners. Utilities: water, sewage, electricity, gas. All are on the property line. Access is via a paved road, the asphalted road being at a maximum distance of 200 m. The area where the land is located is exclusively houses, quiet, with easy access to public transport, schools, kindergartens, commercial areas. A great advantage for those who are looking for such land is that from here you can admire a superb view of the city. The sale price for this urban plot in the Hills area is 175,300 euros. (€85/sqm) For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

2063,0 m2

Oradea, Bihor

Casa cu spatiu comercial de vanzare in Salonta

Casa cu spatiu comercial de vanzare in Salonta

D`Art Imob va ofera spre vanzare o casa cu spatiu comercial in Municipiul Salonta din Bihor. Casa este amplasata la drumul principal, pe un teren cu suprafata de 306 mp. Este constructie din caramida, cu fundatie de beton si acoperis invelit cu tigla solzi. Imobilul dispune de 3 cai de acces, 2 aferente spatiului comercial si una aferenta curtii interioare. Curtea este integral betonata, fara acces auto. Masoara o suprafata utila de 132 mp, iar cea construita este de 176 mp. Partea de la strada este amenajata pentru cabinet veterinar si cuprinde receptie, sala de asteptare, 3 camere pentru consultatii. Din una dintre camere se face accesul in zona de locuit, unde gasim sufrageria confortabila, dormitorul, vestiarul si baia. Din aceasta zona a casei se face si accesul in curtea interioara, unde se afla o anexa pentru depozitare. Casa este complet renovata, izolata la exterior, dotata cu ferestre cu geam termopan, vitrina generoasa la strada cu geam termopan, usi de interior din lemn si PVC. Are schimbate toate instalatiile electrice si sanitare, iar sistemul de incalzire este cu centrala proprie pe gaz si calorifere. In fata imobilului sunt disponibile multiple locuri de parcare fara plata. Utilitati: apa, canalizare, electricitate, gaz, internet, aer conditionat, sistem de alarma, supraveghere video. Datorita amplasarii la drumul principal, foarte aproape de zona centrala a orasului, acest imobil este pretabil pentru diverse activitati comerciale, clinica medicala, spatiu de birou, showroom, precum si pentru destinatie rezidentiala. Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta casa cu spatiu comercial din Salonta este de 87500 euro. Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art Imob offers for sale a house with commercial space located in Salonta, Bihor. The house is located on the main road, on a plot of land with an area of 306 square meters. It is a brick construction, with a concrete foundation and a roof covered with scale tiles. The building has 3 access ways, 2 related to the commercial space and one related to the inner courtyard. The yard is fully concreted, without car access. It measures a usable area of 132 square meters, and the built area is 176 square meters. The part from the street is set up for a veterinary clinic, consisting of a reception, a waiting room, 3 consultation rooms. From one of the rooms there is access to the living area, where we find the comfortable living room, one bedroom, a dressing room and the bathroom. From this area of the house there is also access to the inner courtyard, where there is an annex for storage. The house is completely renovated, insulated on the outside, equipped with double-glazed windows, a generous storefront on the street with double-glazed windows, wooden and PVC interior doors. All the electrical and sanitary installations have been changed, and the heating system has its own gas central with radiators. Multiple free parking spaces are available in front of the building. Utilities: water, sewage, electricity, internet, air conditioning, alarm system, video surveillance. Due to its location on the main road, very close to the central area of the city, this building is suitable for various commercial activities, medical clinic, office space, showroom, as well as for residential use. The sale price for this house and commercial space in Salonta is 87500 euros. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

132,0 m2 | 4 camere

Salonta, Bihor

Hala pentru depozitare 525 mp in zona Borsului, Oradea

Hala pentru depozitare 525 mp in zona Borsului, Oradea

D`Art Imob va ofera o hala pentru depozitare de inchiriat, situata intr-un nou complex industrial amplasat in zona Borsului, Oradea. Hala este constructie noua, pe structura metalica cu panouri sandwich. Masoara o suprafata utila de 525 mp, cu inaltimea la coama de 6 m. Dispune de pardoseala elicopterizata, fiind potrivita si pentru utilaje grele. Hala este dotata cu 2 porti de acces TIR la nivel, 2 usi de acces pietonal, 2 birouri si grup sanitar. Utilitati: curent trifazic, apa, canalizare, parcare in curte, supraveghere video, paza. In apropiere se afla statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun. Pretul pentru aceasta hala pentru depozitare de inchiriat este de 2365 euro + TVA (4.5 €/mp) Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770 573 693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D’Art Imob offers you a storage hall for rent, located in a new industrial complex located in the Borsului area, Oradea. The hall is a new construction, on a metal structure with sandwich panels. It measures a usable area of 525 square meters, with a ridge height of 6 m. It has a helicopter floor, being also suitable for heavy machinery. The hall is equipped with 2 level TIR access gates, 2 pedestrian access doors, 2 offices and a sanitary unit. Utilities: three-phase electricity, water, sewage, parking inside the complex, video surveillance, security. There are public transport stations nearby. The price for this storage hall for rent is 2365 euros + VAT (€4.5/sqm) For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

525,0 m2 | 1 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Casa de vacanta din busteni, zona superba la 27 km de Oradea

Casa de vacanta din busteni, zona superba la 27 km de Oradea

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare o proprietate deosebita, o superba casa de vacanta din busteni, situata la doar 27 km de Oradea. Casa este amplasata pe un deal retras din satul Uileacu de Cris, dar totodata cu acces facil pe un drum pietruit. Este constructie integrala din busteni cu diametrul mediu de 35 cm. Se compune din demisol, parter si mansarda, avand o suprafata utila de 224 mp. Terenul aferent este de 2046 mp, terasat si imprejmuit cu gard din plasa de sarma, poarta din fier forjat si stalpi de beton la strada. Suprafata de teren poate fi suplimentata. Demisolul este din beton armat, placat cu piatra naturala si masoara o suprafata utila de 66 mp. Se compune din hol cu acces de pe terasa, crama, baie si acces la un beci de 63 mp, sapat in deal. Demisolul poate fi amenajat si ca spatiu de locuit, avand ferestre mari din lemn cu sticla tripan antiefractie. Pe langa securitate sporita acest tip de sticla asigura izolare fonica si termica sporita. La demisol este instalat un termosemineu zidit cu samota. Acesta reprezinta sursa principala de incalzire a casei, combinand astfel utilitatea cu estetica incaperii in care este amplasat. La parter decorul se schimba total, de la piatra la lemnul solid si calduros. Aici gasim sufrageria generoasa de 37 mp cu ferestre mari ce permit soarelui sa patrunda pe toata durata zilei. In coltul incaperii este prevazut locul pentru inca un semineu. Din orice colt al sufrageriei se poate admira privelistea spectaculoasa spre Barajul Tileagd. La parter mai este amenajat un dormitor, o baie, bucataria si o terasa spatioasa. Mansarda are acces atat de la interior, cat si de la exterior prin spatele casei, unde sunt prevazute 2 dormitoare, din care unul matrimonial cu baie proprie, o baie cu acces din hol si un dressing. Acoperisul casei este izolat cu vata de sticla si invelit cu tigla Bramac. Ca si utilitati proprietatea dispune de curent mono si trifazic, fosa septica, internet, supraveghere video. Pentru alimentarea cu apa este necesar foraj propriu. In cel mai inalt punct al terenului este construita o filigorie din busteni, iar alaturat un leagan rustic, de unde bineinteles se poate admira o priveliste si mai spectaculoasa asupra localitatii si imprejurimilor, mai exact chiar si asupra Oradiei:). Pe langa aerul rustic pe care il garanteaza, constructiile rezidentiale din busteni ofera o serie intreaga de avantaje cum ar fi confortul termic sporit in orice anotimp, calitatea aerului mai buna din incaperi datorita materialelor naturale folosite si durabilitatea constructiei in timp. Daca v-am starnit curiozitatea si va vedeti petrecandu-va timpul liber impreuna cu familia la aceasta proprietate, poate locuind permanent aici, va asteptam cu drag la vizionare. Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta casa de vacanta din busteni este de 169900 euro. Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.

224,0 m2 | 6 camere

Tileagd, Bihor

Teren extravilan de vanzare 4045 mp in zona Tileagd

Teren extravilan de vanzare 4045 mp in zona Tileagd

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare o parcela de teren extravilan situata in zona mixta de case si livezi din Tileagd. Parcela masoara o suprafata de 4045 mp, are o usoara inclinatie si dublu front stradal, de 39 si 25 ml. Parcelele invecinate sunt ocupate de constructii rezidentiale si de vacanta. Are acces la electricitate si drum pietruit, fiind ideal pentru agricultura, dezvoltarea unei afaceri in domeniul turismului si diferite activitati de agrement. De pe teren se poate admira o priveliste frumoasa spre Barajul Tileagd. Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta parcela de teren din zona Tileagd este de 23000 euro. Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art imob offers for sale a plot of land located in a mixed area of ​​houses and orchards in Tileagd. The plot measures an area of ​​4045 sqm, has a slight slope and double street frontage, of 39 and 25 ml. The neighboring plots are occupied by residential and holiday buildings. It has access to electricity and a paved road, being ideal for agriculture, developing a tourism business and various leisure activities. From the plot you can admire a beautiful view of the Tileagd Dam. The sale price for this plot of land in the Tileagd area is 23,000 euros. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

4045,0 m2

Tileagd, Bihor

Teren pentru casa de vacanta pe Valea Bratcutei, Bihor

Teren pentru casa de vacanta pe Valea Bratcutei, Bihor

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare un teren pentru casa de vacanta, situat pe Valea Bratcutei din Bihor. Terenul masoara o suprafata de 2482 mp si dispune de acces la drumul forestier. Are usoara inclinatie la urcare, apoi se deschide formand un platou de aproximativ 1100 mp, unde poate fi construita una sau mai multe cabane de vacanta sau cu destinatie turistica. Pe teren se afla 2 stalpi de electricitate, iar in apropiere izvoare de apa potabila. In jurul terenului sunt diverse constructii de vacanta, pensiuni turistice, pastravarii, etc. Zona este impadurita, excelenta pentru drumetii pe jos sau cu bicicleta si diverse activitati in natura. In apropiere se afla mai multe obiective turistice: Cascada Boiului, Dealurile Damisului, Pestera cu apa de la Tiplaoaia, Biserica de lemn de la Delureni (Beznea), Pestera Toaia, Ponoras – rezervatie speologica. Pretul de vanzare pentru acest teren pe Valea Bratcutei este de 65000 euro. Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art imob offers for sale a plot of land for holiday home, located in the Bratcutei Valley in Bihor. The plot measures 2482 sq m and has access to the forest road. It has a slight slope when climbing, then opens up to form a plateau of approximately 1100 sq m, where one or more holiday cottages or tourist destinations can be built. There are 2 electricity poles on the plot, and nearby drinking water springs. Around the plot there are various holiday buildings, tourist guesthouses, trout farms, etc. The area is wooded, excellent for hiking or cycling and various activities in nature. Nearby there are several tourist attractions: Boiului Waterfall, Damisului Hills, Tiplaoaia Water Cave, Delureni Wooden Church (Beznea), Toaia Cave, Ponoras – speleological reservation. The selling price for this land in Valea Bratcutei is 65,000 euros. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

2482,0 m2

Bratca, Bihor

Casa cu teren 2052 mp in Saldabagiu de Munte

Casa cu teren 2052 mp in Saldabagiu de Munte

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare o casa cu teren 2052 mp si priveliste superba in Saldabagiu de Munte, Bihor. Casa este tip P+M, constructie din BCA, cu fundatie de beton si masoara o suprafata utila de 70 mp ( 95 mp construiti). Mai dispune de un garaj alipit casei, de 18 mp, constructie din vaioaga si o pivnita aerisita pentru depozitare. Parterul este spatios si luminos, compus din sufragerie primitoare, loc pentru gatit, baie cu dus, hol de acces. Mansarda este pe structura de lemn, aici se afla amenajat dormitorul cochet. Din dormitor puteti admira dimineata o priveliste superba spre dealurile Oradiei. Datorita destinatiei actuale de casa de vacanta, locuinta este amenajata in stil rustic. Imobilul este izolat termic la exterior, iar acoperisul izolat cu vata minerala si invelit cu sindrila bituminoasa. Recent au fost inlocuite instalatiile sanitare si s-a zugravit la interior. Curtea este ingrijita, imprejmuita cu gard din plasa de sarma si diversi arbusti ornamentali. In partea din fata casei umbra este asigurata de bolta din vita-de-vie nobila, diverse soiuri. Gradina se afla in spatele casei, unde sunt plantati diversi pomi fructiferi atent ingrijiti, cu suficient teren pentru cei pasionati de gradinarit. Incalzirea este realizata cu soba de teracota pe lemn, care asigura in prezent suficienta caldura pentru intreaga casa. Utilitati: apa de la foraj pentru irigare, apa de la retea, fosa septica, electricitate, sistem de supraveghere video. Atat canalizarea cat si reteaua de gaz se afla la limita proprietatii. Casa se afla in Saldabagiu de Munte, cu acces facil la soseaua principala, la o distanta de doar 10 minute cu masina de centrul orasului. Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta casa cu teren 2052 mp in Saldabagiu de Munte este de 119900 euro. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D’Art imob offers for sale a house with 2052 sqm of land and a superb view in Saldabagiu de Munte, Bihor. The house is BCA construction, with a concrete foundation and measures a usable area of 70 sqm (95 sqm built). It also has a garage attached to the house, of 18 square meters and an airy cellar for storage. The ground floor is spacious and bright, composed of a welcoming living room, a place for cooking, bathroom with shower and access hall. The attic is on wooden structure, here is the chic bedroom where you can admire a beautiful view of the hills of Oradea in the morning. Due to its current use as a holiday home, the house is furnished in a rustic style. The building is thermally insulated on the outside, and the roof is insulated with mineral wool and covered with bituminous shingles. The sanitary installations were recently replaced and the interior was painted. The yard is well-kept, surrounded by a wire mesh fence and various ornamental shrubs, and in front of the house, the shade is provided by the arch made of noble vines, various varieties. The garden is behind the house, where several fruit trees are planted, carefully cared for, with enough land for those who are passionate about gardening. The heating is done with a wood-burning terracotta stove, which currently provides enough heat for the whole house. Utilities: water from the borehole for irrigation, water from the network, septic tank, sewerage in the street, gas at the boundary of the property, electricity, video surveillance system. The house is located in Saldabagiu de Munte, with easy access to the main road, at a distance of only 10 minutes by car from the city center. The sale price for this house with 2052 sq m of land in Saldabagiu de Munte is 119900 euros. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

70,0 m2 | 2 camere

Saldabagiu de Munte, Bihor

Teren intravilan 5995 mp de vanzare in Hidiselu de Sus

Teren intravilan 5995 mp de vanzare in Hidiselu de Sus

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare un teren intravilan cu suprafata de 5995 mp, situat in satul Sumugiu, comuna Hidiselu de Sus. Acesta are un front stradal de 38 ml si o adancime de 160 ml. Se afla pe o strada la marginea satului, in zona de case si totodata inconjurata de verdeata, aer curat si liniste. Parcela de teren este ideala pentru constructia unei sau mai multor locuinte cu destinatie rezidentiala sau de vacanta, fiind la o distanta de 19 km de Baile Felix si 30 km de Oradea. Utilitati: electricitate la limita proprietatii, iar reteaua de apa este in curs de instalare in apropiere. Pretul de vanzare pentru acest teren intravilan in Hidiselu de Sus este de 42000 euro ( 7€/mp) Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art imob offers for sale a land plot with an area of ​​5995 sqm, located in Sumugiu village, Hidiselu de Sus commune. It has a street front of 38 m and a depth of 160 m. It is located on a street on the edge of the village, in an area of ​​houses and also surrounded by greenery, clean air and tranquility. The plot of land is ideal for the construction of one or more residential or holiday homes, being at a distance of 19 km from Baile Felix and 30 km from Oradea. Utilities: electricity at the property boundary, and the water network is being installed nearby. The sale price for this land plot in Hidiselu de Sus is 42,000 euros (7 €/sqm) For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

5995,0 m2

Hidiselu de Sus, Bihor

Apartament cu 1 camera de vanzare ultracentral in Oradea

Apartament cu 1 camera de vanzare ultracentral in Oradea

D`Art imob va ofera spre vanzare un apartament cu 1 camera situat ultracentral in Oradea. Acesta se afla la demisol, masoara o suprafata utila de 28 mp si se compune din hol de acces, baie cu dus, bucatarie, debara, dormitor. In prezent holul de acces si baia sunt comune cu apartamentul alaturat, dar cu acces doar din acest apartament. Totusi, proprietarul are prevazut in apartament loc pentru amenajarea unei bai proprii, cu retea de apa si canalizare pe pozitii. Este renovat, dotat cu gresie, faianta, parchet laminat, usi de interior din lemn, ferestre cu geam termopan. Apartamentul se vinde complet mobilat, utilat, conform fotografiilor din anunt. Incalzirea este realizata cu radiator electric, iar apa calda este asigurata de un boiler electric. In fata cladirii se gasesc locuri de parcare fara plata. Datorita amplasarii foarte aproape de Piata Unirii, acest apartament este ideal pentru investitie, avand posibilitatea de a fi inchiriat intr-un timp foarte scurt. Pretul de vanzare pentru acest apartament cu 1 camera situat ultracentral este de 33000 euro. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art imob offers for sale a 1-room apartment located downtown in Oradea. It is located on the mezzanine level, measures a usable area of ​​28 square meters and consists of entrance hall, bathroom with shower, kitchen, storage room, bedroom. Currently, the entrance hall and the bathroom are shared with the adjacent apartment. It is renovated, equipped with tiles, floor tiles, laminate flooring, interior wooden doors, double glazed windows. The apartment is sold fully furnished, equipped, according to the photos in the ad. The heating is done with an electric radiator, and the hot water is provided by an electric boiler. There are free parking spaces in front of the building. Due to its location very close to Piata Unirii, this apartment is ideal for investment, having the possibility to be rented in a very short time. The sale price for this downtown located 1-room apartment is 33000 euros. For further details, information and visits, you can contact us at: Phone: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob. Detalii bai: Comuna cu apartamentul vecin

28,0 m2 | 1 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat Prima Nufarul

Apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat Prima Nufarul

D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat in Prima Green Nufarul. Apartamentul este decomandat, amplasat la etajul 6 al unui bloc cu 10 etaje si 2 lifturi noi, moderne. Este luminos pe toata durata zilei, amenajat modern, dotat cu mobilier si electrocasnice de calitate Masoara o suprafata utila de 45 mp si se compune din living cu bucatarie si loc de luat masa open-space, 1 dormitor, baie cu cabina de dus si un balcon deschis. Locuinta este dotata cu gresie si faianta, parchet laminat, geamuri termopan cu tamplarie PVC , usi de interior din termopan si usa metalica de siguranta, la intrare. Incalzirea in pardoseala se realizeaza prin reteaua de termoficare a orasului, cu punct termic propriu al blocului si cu reglarea prin termostat a temperaturii. De asemenea apartamentul dispune de aer conditionat pentru confortul termic optim. Ca si utilitati, noii chiriasi vor beneficia de masina de spalat haine, frigider , plita electrica, hota, cuptor electric, TV, cuptor cu microunde, aparat de cafea, In imediata apropiere se afla, scoli, gradinite, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, magazine, Lotus Mall. Totodata, la o distanta de 5 minute de mers cu masina, se afla statiunile termale Baile Felix si 1 Mai. Apartamentul dispune de loc de parcare exterior, inclus in pret. Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat in Prima Green Nufarul este de 450 euro/luna. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art Imob offers you a modern apartment with 2 rooms for rent in Prima Green Nufarul. The apartment is detached, located on the 6th floor of a building with 10 floors and 2 new, modern elevators. It is bright throughout the day, modernly furnished, equipped with quality furniture and appliances It measures a usable area of 45 square meters and consists of a living room with an open-space kitchen and dining area, 1 bedroom, a bathroom with a shower cabin and an open balcony. The house is equipped with tiles and floor tiles, laminated parquet, double-glazed windows with PVC joinery, interior double-glazed doors and a safety metal door at the entrance. The underfloor heating is done through the city’s heating network, with the block’s own thermal point and with temperature regulation through a thermostat. The apartment also has air conditioning for optimal thermal comfort. As utilities, the new tenants will benefit from a washing machine, refrigerator, electric stove, hood, electric oven, TV, microwave oven, coffee machine, In the immediate vicinity are schools, kindergartens, public transport stations, shops, Lotus Mall. At the same time, at a distance of 5 minutes by car, there are the Baile Felix and 1 Mai thermal resorts. The apartment has an outdoor parking space, included in the price. The price for this 2-room apartment for rent in Prima Green Nufarul is 450 euros/month. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

45,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat Prima Nufarul

Apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat Prima Nufarul

D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament modern cu 2 camere de inchiriat in Prima Green Nufarul. Apartamentul este decomandat, amplasat la parterul unui bloc cu 10 etaje si 2 lifturi noi, moderne. Este luminos pe toata durata zilei, amenajat modern, dotat cu mobilier si electrocasnice de calitate Masoara o suprafata utila de 45 mp si se compune din living cu bucatarie si loc de luat masa open-space, 1 dormitor, baie cu cabina de dus si un balcon deschis. Locuinta este dotata cu gresie si faianta, parchet laminat, geamuri termopan cu tamplarie PVC , usi de interior din termopan si usa metalica de siguranta, la intrare. Incalzirea in pardoseala se realizeaza prin reteaua de termoficare a orasului, cu punct termic propriu al blocului si cu reglarea prin termostat a temperaturii. De asemenea apartamentul dispune de aer conditionat pentru confortul termic optim. Ca si utilitati, noii chiriasi vor beneficia de masina de spalat haine, frigider , plita electrica, hota, cuptor electric, TV, cuptor cu microunde, aparat de cafea, In imediata apropiere se afla, scoli, gradinite, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, magazine, Lotus Mall. Totodata, la o distanta de 5 minute de mers cu masina, se afla statiunile termale Baile Felix si 1 Mai. Apartamentul dispune de loc de parcare exterior, inclus in pret. Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat in Prima Green Nufarul este de 450 euro/luna. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art Imob offers you a modern apartment with 2 rooms for rent in Prima Green Nufarul. The apartment is detached, located on the ground floor of a building with 10 floors and 2 new, modern elevators. It is bright throughout the day, modernly furnished, equipped with quality furniture and appliances It measures a usable area of 45 square meters and consists of a living room with an open-space kitchen and dining area, 1 bedroom, a bathroom with a shower cabin and an open balcony. The house is equipped with tiles and floor tiles, laminated parquet, double-glazed windows with PVC joinery, interior double-glazed doors and a safety metal door at the entrance. The underfloor heating is done through the city’s heating network, with the block’s own thermal point and with temperature regulation through a thermostat. The apartment also has air conditioning for optimal thermal comfort. As utilities, the new tenants will benefit from a washing machine, refrigerator, electric stove, hood, electric oven, TV, microwave oven, coffee machine, In the immediate vicinity are schools, kindergartens, public transport stations, shops, Lotus Mall. At the same time, at a distance of 5 minutes by car, there are the Baile Felix and 1 Mai thermal resorts. The apartment has an outdoor parking space, included in the price. The price for this 2-room apartment for rent in Prima Green Nufarul is 450 euros/month. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

45,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Apartament cu 2 camere de vanzare tip X mare in Nufarul

Apartament cu 2 camere de vanzare tip X mare in Nufarul

D`Art imob va ofera un apartament cu 2 camere de vanzare, tip X mare situat in cartierul Nufarul din Oradea. Apartamentul masoara o suprafata utila de 41 mp si este amplasat la etajul 4/4, bloc invelit cu acoperis din tigla. Este semidecomandat, compus din bucatarie cu loc de luat masa, baie cu cada si geam de aerisire, camera de zi, dormitor cu balcon inchis. Apartamentul este dotat cu usa de siguranta, ferestre cu geam termopan si rolete exterioare, usi de interior din lemn, parchet laminat in camere, gresie/faianta in baie si bucatarie. Recent au fost inlocuite instalatiile de apa calda si incalzire pe toata coloana blocului. In apropiere se gasesc scoli, gradinite, zone verzi, locuri de joaca, Lotus Mall, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun. Pretul de vanzare pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere tip X mare din Nufarul este de 66500 euro. Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art imob offers you a 2-room apartment for sale, type X large, located in the Nufarul neighborhood of Oradea. The apartment measures a usable area of ​​41 square meters and is located on the 4th/4th floor, a block covered with a tiled roof. It is semi-detached, consisting of a kitchen with dining area, bathroom with bathtub and ventilation window, living room, bedroom with closed balcony. The apartment is equipped with a security door, double-glazed windows and exterior roller shutters, wooden interior doors, laminate flooring in the rooms, ceramic tiles in the bathroom and kitchen. The hot water and heating installations have recently been replaced throughout the block. Nearby there are schools, kindergartens, green areas, playgrounds, Lotus Mall, public transport stations. The sale price for this 2-room apartment, type X large in Nufarul is 66,500 euros. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

41,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Birou de inchiriat ultracentral in zona Primariei Oradea

Birou de inchiriat ultracentral in zona Primariei Oradea

D`Art imob va ofera un birou de inchiriat cu suprafata de 50 mp, situat ultracentral pe strada Primariei din Oradea. Acesta se afla la demisolul inalt al unei cladiri istorice si in prezent este amenajat ca si cabinet medical. Curtea comuna din care face parte este curata si ingrijita de toti vecinii. Este compartimentat circular, compus din sala de asteptare, 2 camere, 2 bai si vestiar. Spatiul este renovat complet, izolat exterior, dotat cu ferestre si usa de acces PVC cu geam termopan, usi de interior din lemn, gresie/faianta, instalatii electrice si sanitare schimbate. Incalzirea este de la reteaua de termoficare a orasului, contorizata individual. Este situat la 1 minut de Piata Unirii, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, scoli, gradinite, diverse institutii publice. In fata cladirii se gasesc locuri de parcare publice. Pretul pentru acest birou de inchiriat ultracentral este de 390 euro/luna. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art imob offers an office for rent with an area of 50 square meters, located ultra-centrally on Primariei Street in Oradea. It is located on the semi-basement of a historic building and is currently set up as a medical office. It is circularly divided, composed of a waiting room, 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms and a cloakroom. The space is completely renovated, insulated from the outside, equipped with PVC windows and access door with double glazing, wooden interior doors, ceramic tiles, electrical and sanitary installations changed. The heating is from the city heating network, individually metered. It is located 1 minute from Unirii Square, public transport stations, schools, kindergartens, various public institutions. The price for this ultra-central rental office is 390 euros/month. For additional information on this property, you can contact us at: Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman. e-mail: [email protected] Or the contact section of our website: Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

50,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Apartament cu 1 camera in Prima Nufarul, Oradea

Apartament cu 1 camera in Prima Nufarul, Oradea

Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament cu 1 camera de vanzare, situat in cartierul Prima Nufarul din Oradea. Apartamentul este situat la etajul 4/4, intr-un bloc construit in 2007 si masoara o suprafata utila de 38,2 mp. Este decomandat, compus din hol, camera cu iesire catre balcon, bucatarie si baie cu cada. Imobilul este dotat cu ferestre cu geam termopan, usi de interior din MDF, gresie, faianta si parchet laminat, aer conditionat si interfon. Este racordat la reteaua de termoficare a orasului, iar apartamentul are contorizare separata, cu repartitoare de caldura. Se vinde complet mobilat si utilat, cu televizor, masina de spalat haine, cuptor cu microunde, aragaz, frigider. Imobilul este amplasat in apropiere de Lotus Center, scoli, gradinite, parcuri, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun. Pretul de vanzare pentru acest apartament cu 1 camera din Prima Nufarul este de 65000 euro. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The real estate agency D’Art Imob offers you a 1-room apartment for sale, located in the Prima Nufarul district of Oradea. The apartment is located on the 4th/4th floor, block built in 2007 and measures a usable area of 38.2 square meters. It is detached, consisting of a hall, a room with an exit to the balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom with a bathtub. The building is equipped with double-glazed windows, MDF interior doors, tiles, tiles and laminate flooring, air conditioning and intercom. It is connected to the city heating network, and the apartment has separate metering, with heat distributors. It is sold fully furnished and equipped, with TV, washing machine, microwave oven, stove, refrigerator. The building is located near the Lotus Center, schools, kindergartens, parks, public transport stations. The sale price for this 1-room apartment in Prima Nufarul is 65,000 euros. For additional details, informations and visits, you can contact us at: Tel No.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica e-mail: [email protected] Or at the contact section of our site: You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.

38,0 m2 | 1 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Garsoniera de vanzare situata in zona B-dului Dacia Oradea

Garsoniera de vanzare situata in zona B-dului Dacia Oradea

D`Art imob va ofera o garsoniera  de vanzare situata in zona B-dului Dacia Oradea Acesta se afla la elajul 4 al unui bloc cu 4 etaje, cu acoperisul izolat. Masoara o suprafata utila de 26mp si se compune din hol de acces, camera de zi cu bucataria inclusa, 1 dormitor, baie cu dus si cu panou de sticla. Garsoniera are geamuri termopan cu rolete exterioare si usa termopan la intrare. In fata cladirii se gasesc locuri de parcare. Este situata in apropiere de scoli, gradinite, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, magazine. Pretul pentru aceasta garsoniera de vanzare situata in zona B-dului Dacia Oradea este de 41.000 euro. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0722701434– Cristina Vatca e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ============================================================================================== D'Art Imob offers you a studio apartment for sale, located in the B-dul Dacia area of Oradea. It is located on the 4th floor of a 4-story building, with an insulated roof. It has a usable area of 26 sqm and consists of an entrance hall, living room with an open kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom with a shower and glass panel. The studio features double-glazed windows with exterior blinds and a double-glazed entrance door. There are parking spaces available in front of the building. It is located near schools, kindergartens, public transportation stops, and shops. The price for this studio apartment for sale in the B-dul Dacia area of Oradea is €41,000. For more details, information, and viewings, you can contact us at: Phone number: 0722701434 – Cristina Vatca Email: [email protected] Or via the contact section on our website: You can also view our listings on Facebook by visiting the D'Art Imob page.

26,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Apartament ultracentral pietonala Vasile Alecsandri

Apartament ultracentral pietonala Vasile Alecsandri

Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera spre vanzare un apartament cu 2 camere situat ultracentral in Oradea. Apartamentul se afla la parterul unei cladiri istorice situata in zona ultracentrala (pietonala) a orasului. Acesta este semidecomandat si masoara o suprafata utila de 60mp, fiind compus din: sufragerie, dormitor, bucatarie, baie. La subsol detine si o boxa de 6mp pentru depozitare. Apartamentul a fost complet renovat izolat exterior cu polistiren de 10 cm, dotat cu gresie, faianta, geamuri si usi din lemn stratificat, instalatia sanitara si cea electrica schimbate. Incalzirea apartamentului se face de la termoficarea orasului prin calorifere dotate cu repartitoare. In imediata apropiere se afla Piata Unirii, Facultatea de Medicina, Parcul 1 Decembrie, scoli, gradinite, restaurante, cafenele, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, Teatrul Regina Maria, institutii publice. Apartamentul se vinde partial mobilat. Pretul pentru acest apartament ultracentral cu 2 camere la curte comuna este de 137000 euro Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0727721842 – George Stefanco e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The D`Art Imob real estate agency offers for sale a 2-room apartment located ultra-centrally in Oradea. The apartment is on the ground floor of a historic building located in the ultra-central (pedestrian) area of the city. It is semi-detached and measures a usable area of 60 square meters, being composed of: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom. In the basement, there is also a 6 square meter box for storage. The apartment was completely renovated, insulated externally with 10 cm polystyrene, equipped with tiles, floor tiles, laminated wood windows and doors, the sanitary and electrical installations were changed. The heating of the apartment is done from the city heating through radiators equipped with distributors. In the immediate vicinity are Unirii Square, the Faculty of Medicine, 1 Decembrie Park, schools, kindergartens, restaurants, cafes, public transport stations, the Queen Maria Theatre, public institutions. The apartment is sold partially furnished. The price for this ultra-central apartment with 2 rooms in the common courtyard is 137,000 euros For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at: No. Tel.: 0727721842 – George Stefanco e-mail: [email protected] Or at the contact section of our website: You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.

60,0 m2 | 2 camere

Oradea, Bihor

Apartament cu 3 camere de vanzare in zona Decebal, Oradea

Apartament cu 3 camere de vanzare in zona Decebal, Oradea

D`Art imob va ofera un apartament cu 3 camere de vanzare, situat in zona Decebal din Oradea. Apartamentul este de tip PB decomandat, masoara o suprafața utila de 64 mp si este amplasat la parterul unui bloc cu 4 etaje acoperis. Acesta se compune din hol de acces, bucatarie, 3 dormitoare, 1 baie cu cada, 2 spatii de depozitare, la care se adauga si un balcon inchis cu termopan. Balconul nu este inclus in suprafata utila a apartamentului. Din constructie apartamentul a fost prevazut si cu baie de serviciu insa proprietarii au ales sa dechida spatiul destinat pentru bucatarie, marind astfel suprafata acesteia si crescand luminozitatea. Imobilul este dotat cu ferestre cu geam termopan, parchet laminat, usi interioare din lemn, gresie si faianta in bucatarie si baie, usa de siguranta. Incalzirea se realizeaza prin sistemul de termoficare al orasului. Locuinta este situata in apropiere de statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, scoli, gradinite, magazine, restaurante, cafenele, banci, farmacii. In proximitatea apartamentului se gasesc locuri de parcare publice, la liber si fara plata. Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 3 camere de vanzare in zona Decebal din Oradea este de 87,900 euro. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0786369196 – Romocea Madalin e-mail: [email protected] Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art imob offers you a 3-room apartment for sale, located in the Decebal area of ​​Oradea. The apartment is a detached, measures a usable area of ​​64 square meters and is located on the ground floor of a 4-story building. It consists of an entrance hall, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with bathtub, 2 storage spaces, plus a balcony closed with double glazing. The balcony is not included in the usable area of ​​the apartment. The apartment was originally equipped with a service bathroom, but the owners chose to open the space intended for the kitchen, thus increasing its surface area and increasing the brightness. The building is equipped with double-glazed windows, laminate flooring, wooden interior doors, tiles in the kitchen and bathroom, security door. Heating is provided by the city’s district heating system. The home is located near public transportation stations, schools, kindergartens, shops, restaurants, cafes, banks, pharmacies. There are public parking spaces nearby, both free and paid. The price for this 3-room apartment for sale in the Decebal area of ​​Oradea is 87,900 euros. For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at: No. Tel.: 0786369196 – Romocea Madalin e-mail: [email protected] Or at the contact section of our site: You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.

64,0 m2 | 3 camere

Oradea, Bihor