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Villa  Ines-7 bedrooms for sale - Mamaia Nord, Constanța

Villa Ines-7 bedrooms for sale - Mamaia Nord, Constanța

A brand new villa (finalized 2022) located in Mamaia Nord, in a quiet area close to the beach, with private parking, large backyard and playground for kids.  Built with passion for innovative design and craftsmanship, similar to a private yacht, the villa is the perfect beach retreat, easy access and close to the sea, with 7 very large bedrooms, 8 private deluxe bathrooms, 3 private spacious balconies, climate-controlled areas, with a wide generous living room in the ground floor, fitted with a first class kitchen, well equipped and deluxe technical amenities servicing the whole villa. The interior space of the villa totals 388 sqm with 130 sqm ground footprint laid on a 500 sqm land plot.  Please find attached the photo description.  The villa can be operated privately or chartered as a touristic facility.  Asking price: 650000 Euro

400.0 m2

Mamaia-Sat, Constanta

Imobil P+ 2 -Spatiu comercial si de logistica

Imobil P+ 2 -Spatiu comercial si de logistica

Imobilul P+2 in suprafata totala construita de 600 MP . Imobilul este format din 3 nivele ( accesul fiind facut in mod independent pe fiecare nivel ) impartite astfel: PARTER spatiu comercial care poate fi folosit ca spatiu de depozitare sau showroom cu o inaltime de 4.5 M ETAJ 1 spatiu birouri ETAJ 2 apartament 5 camere compus din 3 dormitoare , living , bucatarie , 2 bai. Fiind o compartimentare de tip open space poate fi folosit si ca spatiu de birouri. Imobilul este construit pe un teren in suprafata de 450 MP avand o amprenta la sol de 200 MP construiti.Imobilul este situat pe b-dul Aurel Vlaicu fiind situat in apropiere de magazinul Kaufland 2 (zona Anda).

540.0 m2

Constanta, Constanta

Vila Ines Mamaia Nord - 7 Bedrooms Villa for rent

Vila Ines Mamaia Nord - 7 Bedrooms Villa for rent

Vila Ines o vila cu o pozitie deosebita si finisaje de calitate este oferita spre inchiriere. Vila dispune de 7 dormitoare cu 7 bai ,un living generos, bucatarie complet echipata, gradina si locuri de parcare in curte.Este la 5 minute de plaja. Disponibila din Martie 2025.Pretul este negociabil in functie de durata contractului. Vila Ines, a villa with a very good location close to the beach, high quality furniture and appliances is offered for long term rent or short term rent (seasonal rate will apply). The villa is having 7 large bedrooms with 7 baths, spacious living area, fully equipped kitchen, garden and parking places.5 minutes walk to the beach. Available from March 2025.Price is negotiable upon duration of the contract.

344.0 m2

Mamaia-Sat, Constanta

Teren 1174 mp zona Kamsas - Constanta

Teren 1174 mp zona Kamsas - Constanta

Teren situat in Constanta , zona Kamsas, strada Prelungirea Barbu Delavrancea, in suprafata de 1174 mp avand o deschidere stradala de 25 mp. Terenul este liber de constructii, are utilitatile la strada. Destinatia terenului stabilita prin planurile de urbanism este de : partial locuire avand un regim de inaltime de P + 2 , 4 E si POT de 45 %.

Constanta, Constanta