Complex hotelier de vânzare in Sibiu
For sale a small hotel near the historical old city center, composed of 3 buildings, with a total of 6 apt, 20 rooms, 4 studios. Comes with a restaurant, a conference hall and fitness facility. Excellent location 2 min away from the train station, 5 min walk to old downtown, hospital, mall, banks all are close by within walking distance. Cam also be used as a medical clinic, Airbnb , retirement facility etc, etc Also available for rent as well, min 1 yr. 2 899 000 Eur. Tel : De vinzare complex hotelier in Sibiu, alcatuit din 3 corpuri de cladire, cu 3 adrese civice , totul este pe aceeasi proprietate . In total 6 apt, 20 de camere si 4 garsoniere. Deasemenea exista si 1 restaurant, 1 sala de conferinte, 1 sala de fitness. Excelenta locatie in zona centrala pe o strada linistita la 2 min de gara , 5 min de Centrul Istoric, spital, mall, banci toate in apropriere. Alte destinatii pot fi clinica medicala, Airbnb, casa de pensionari etc,etc. Actual in regim de pensiune. Se poate si inchiria, pe o perioada determinata. 2 899 000 Euro Tel :
Sibiu, Sibiu
28 ianuarie
2 899 000 EUR