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35000 m2  Chernozem agricultural land for sale

35000 m2 Chernozem agricultural land for sale

3.5 ha Chernozem agricultural land for sale. The plot is situated in Fundulea, 30 km away from the capital Bucharest, at the jonction between A2 Autostrada Soarelui Motorway and DJ402. The plot was previousely used by The National Institute of Agriculture Fundulea for their experimental crops. The land is not only extraordinarily fertile but has the advantage of a very closed to surface water table which is a about 5 m depth. It has very convenient and easy access via DJ402 paved road . The land is also about 1km away from the main grain silo ,train station and the Institut. Could be used for alternative business such as solar panels or industrial activities or warehouses due to proximity to transport network

Fundulea, Calarasi

35000 mp teren extravilan de vanzare

35000 mp teren extravilan de vanzare

3.5 ha de pamant, chernoziom de vanzare Terenul este situat in Fundulea, 30 km de Bucuresti,la intersectia dintre Autostrada A2 si drumul judetean DJ402. Terenul a fost in folosit pentru diverse plantatii experimentale de catre Institutul National pentru Cercetari Agricole INCDA din Fundulea.Solul este extraordinar de fertil si are avantajul ca are o panza freatica la numai 5 m adancime.Aces foarte usor via DJ402 care este asfaltat. Acest teren se afla la apox. 1 Km departare de Siloz ,Institut si Gara de tren a orasului Fundulea. Alternativ poate fi folosit pentru instalatii de panouri solare , depozite sau alte activitati industriale avand avantajul apropierii de o excelenta retea de transport. Pret 52500 euro, negociabil

Fundulea, Calarasi

Teren intravilan 2200mp in Orasul Fundulea

Teren intravilan 2200mp in Orasul Fundulea

Vind teren intravilan in suprafata de 2150 mp, in orasul Fundulea la 20 min distanta de Bucuresti si sub 2 ore de litoral avind acces la intrarea pe Autostrada Soarelui -distanta pina la autostrada 1km. Terenul are 3 fronturi stradale, doua din ele de 80m si de 30 pe strada nou asfaltata a Progresului si o alta de aprox 30m pe alta strada. Acces la utilitati ,inclusiv gaz. De mentionat ca terenul are si cadastru facut. Pret 53750 euro

Fundulea, Calarasi

2150 m2 Town Land for development in Fundulea 30 Km from Bucharest linked by A2 motorway

2150 m2 Town Land for development in Fundulea 30 Km from Bucharest linked by A2 motorway

Land for sale: residential or industrial development opportunity on prime land in a town located 20 mins from Bucharest, Romania's capital city. A 2150M plot is available in the town of Fundulea, within easy reach of both Bucharest and the Black Sea Coast (the latter is less than a 2-hour drive away). With excellent transport links -direct access to the Autostrada Soarelui Motorway( is just 1km away from this plot) , train station and the national highway road DN3 passes through Fundulea. The beautiful natural surrounding area includes rivers,lakes and forest. On three sides, the plot faces directly onto the street: two of them - 80m and 30m in length respectively - connecting onto the newly tarmacced Progesului Street , while the third runs for approx 30m alongside another street. All utilities are available (running water, electricity, TV and phone cable, gas). Also I have the necessary Land Cadastre document.

Fundulea, Calarasi