Land for Winemaking+Photovoltaic+Afforestation Center: 3km from Odobesti+Jaristea-Vrancea-Romaniai
I sell urban-buildable land with great business opportunity for a Winemaking Center (with receiving grapes in the vicinity from private producers + own vineyards). Nearby there is a wine-making center that is constantly crowded both during the harvesting of grapes and during the rest of the year for selling wines. The surface of the land is 2600 square meters with the possibility of extension and is located in the vineyard vineyard Sarba in Varsatura village, Jaristea commune 3 km from Odobesti, Vrancea county. The access road to the land is paved to the gate. The land has access to running water, electricity, cable TV-internet. -Price = 20000 EUR ======================== Vand teren intravilan-construibil cu mare oportunitate de afacere pentru domeniu viniviticol & lemn &impadurire prin PNDR & PARC PANOURI FOTOVOLTAICE prin PNDR cu retea elecrica 220+380 V si clienti siguri (casnici + societate & forestier; Centru de Vinificatie (cu primire de struguri din vecinatate de la producatorii particulari+vie proprie). In apropriere mai este un centru de vinificatie care-i permanent aglomerat atat in perioada recoltarii strugurilor cat si in restul anului pentru vanzare vinuri + prelucrarea lemnului din padurea aflata in apropiere (vezi si anuntul meu de vanzare padure) Suprafata terenului este de 2600 metri patrati cu posibilitate de extindere si se afla in podgoria viticola Sarba din sat Varsatura, comuna Jaristea la 3 km de Odobesti, judet Vrancea . Drumul de acces pana la teren este asfaltat pana la poarta. Terenul are acces la apa curenta, electricitate, cablu TV-internet. -Pret=10000 EUR -Tel: ;
2600.0 m2
Odobesti, Vrancea
2 martie
9 000 EUR