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2150 m2 Town Land for development in Fundulea 30 Km from Bucharest linked by A2 motorway

43 000 EUR negociabil
Valabil din 3/27/2025 1:36:27 PM
Land for sale: residential or industrial development opportunity on prime land in a town located 20 mins from Bucharest, Romania's capital city. A 2150M plot is available in the town of Fundulea, within easy reach of both Bucharest and the Black Sea Coast (the latter is less than a 2-hour drive away). With excellent transport links -direct access to the Autostrada Soarelui Motorway( is just 1km away from this plot) , train station and the national highway road DN3 passes through Fundulea. The beautiful natural surrounding area includes rivers,lakes and forest.

On three sides, the plot faces directly onto the street: two of them - 80m and 30m in length respectively - connecting onto the newly tarmacced Progesului Street , while the third runs for approx 30m alongside another street. All utilities are available (running water, electricity, TV and phone cable, gas). Also I have the necessary Land Cadastre document. Romimo_1683926418
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